Church to play part in City of Culture

THE clergy and people of Christ Church are happy to celebrate the Maiden City being named first UK City of Culture.

A spokesman said: "With our diocesan initiative beingTransforming Community; Radiating Christ, we have already opened up our Church to both individuals and groups and we hope to be very involved in the Cultural adventure that 2013 will be.

"Following the arson attack in 1996 our Church was beautifully refurbished and provides an excellent ambience for both music and drama.

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The Rector and Organist at that time (Archdeacon Donald McLean and William West) had the great foresight to realise how this beautiful house of God could be to use for the benefit of the people of the city as well as the church family.

"The organ had been totally destroyed - the only remaining usable part was the organ stool.

"A completely new organ was built. Monthly concerts were begun to raise funds to improve on the organ capacity and in five years enough money was raised to enable the organ builders, Wells Kennedy, to add two extra ranks of pipes with the result that the organ is equally suited to German, French, modern and even hurdy-gurdy type music making it a very versatile addition to the church - and, of course it is ideal for accompanying Hymns, Chants and Choirs.

"Our aim now is to raise money to supply Bursaries for young people and we are fortunate to be able to offer the use of a Grand Piano to performers."

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